Unreal II: The Awakening

  • Year: 2003
  • Platform: Windows
  • Publisher: Atari, Inc.
  • Developer: Legend Entertainment Company
  • Theme: Editor / Construction Set

We waited almost five years to play a ten hour game. Legend Entertainment’s Unreal II: The Awakening is roughly a third the size of its predecessor, meaning that you’ll be able to go from eagerly installing the game to disappointingly removing it from your hard drive for good in just two or three nights. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, considering that you could play the original Unreal long enough for food to spoil in your fridge, but most people still want more out of a full-price game than a couple of mildly interesting play sessions. Which is all you’re going to get here, as the game comes with a single-player campaign and not much else, unless you happen to be the ooh and aah type who values gorgeous visuals over substance.

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