Civilization II: Multiplayer Gold Edition

  • Year: 1998
  • Platform: Windows
  • Publisher: Hasbro Interactive, Inc.
  • Developer: MicroProse Software, Inc.
  • Theme: 4X

There is no doubt that this is a fantastic time for Brian Reynolds fans. Microprose has recently released Civ2 Multiplayer Gold, a multiplayer version of the classic game that made Brian a widely-recognized name in the gaming industry, and it’s likely that by the time you read this we’ll be seeing the full retail release of Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri, a "Brian Reynolds Design" that picks up where Civilization 2 left off. Having just wrapped up involvement with the Alpha Centauri beta program only a week or so before receiving my copy of Civ2 Gold for this review, I found it impossible not to compare the two in great detail. While this is supposed to be a review of Civ2 Gold and not a preview or review of Alpha Centauri, I’ll warn you right now that I don’t think I’ll be able to discuss Civ2 Gold without mentioning the game that many people think of as "Civilization 3". In the end, though, there are no real losers in this comparison – it’s a great blessing to strategy gamers everywhere (and perhaps a big problem for their employers and spouses) that both of these games hold up so very well.

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