Age of Sail II

  • Year: 2001
  • Platform: Windows
  • Publisher: 1C Company
  • Developer: Akella
  • Theme: Historical Battle

If I were to choose two periods of history to nominate as the red-headed stepchildren of wargaming, I’d pick the Korean war and the war of 1812. Both are largely ignored, and I find that surprising given the level of interest that some people express in them. Then again, they don’t have the mass-market appeal of World War II – but since they are underdeveloped in the wargaming genre, it’s nice to see a game come along that attempts to bestow a proper treatment upon them. Of course, with a name like Age of Sail II, you can pretty much deduce that this title has no relation to Korea. While Empire Interactive gave us a smashingly good game on this topic last year, Akella and Talonsoft have dropped the (cannon) ball in 1812.

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