
  • Year: 1990
  • Platform: Arcade, Atari St, Commodore 64, Dos
  • Publisher: Virgin Mastertronic International, Inc.
  • Developer: Virgin Mastertronic Ltd.
  • Theme: Board / Party Game

Spot is a fun Othello-style game starring 7Up’s Spot character. In this board game for one or two players, your objective is to occupy as many tiles as possible by placing your pieces on the board. You can either move one or two spaces at a time. When you move one space, your piece will multiply itself into the new tile; jumping two spaces means simply moving your piece. Whenever you land on a tile next to your opponent, all his/her adjacent pieces become yours, changing to your color. The pieces morph into 7Up mascot when you move them, but that’s about the extent of using this licensed. The computer AI is decent, and offers a good challenge.

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