Transport Tycoon Deluxe

  • Year: 1995
  • Platform: Dos, Windows
  • Publisher: Infogrames Interactive, Inc.
  • Developer: Chris Sawyer Productions
  • Theme: Bus

Transport Tycoon Deluxe is a commerce/transportation simulation game where you build and manage your company into whatever size and by whatever method you feel like. Busses, trucks, trains, airplanes, and boats to transport passengers, mail, retail goods, lumber, coal, oil, and other resources can be used to see to other companies, industries and local governments that will pay you handsomely for them. The game gives you a great great freedom of choice, with no way necesarily being the best. You could decide to dominate the passenger industry by building complex bus systems and more expensive airports and jets, or maybe you want to be the sole provider of coal and oil to refineries with a thriving railroad setup. Everything is up to you, but the competition will try to steal the business first.

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